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Resolute. (ish)

1 Jan

I love blogging.
I love reading other’s blogs.

I love it if for no other reason than the fact that it’s allowed me to connect and grow.

2012 was a fairly stunted year in that respect, despite the fact that I think of things I want to write/comment on almost every damn day…

So now that 2013 is here, I’m gonna try to get my bloggingshit together and post/comment every day.

Every one.

Even if it’s just a sentence.
A teeny word….

My blog isn’t widely circulated or famous, but it IS a part of me.

And your blogs are a part of you.

I’ve been neglecting myself and my blogships*-which has sucked so:

Here goes…


I’m so terribly lackluster at this kinda shit, so let’s hope?

*Love to you all. I hope that 2013 is kind.

iPhone, iBlog, iFail.

12 Jun

I have several posts I want to write, such as:

Our return to toddler-sleep Hell

Our failed attempt at family pictures

Our son’s constant crankiness

Our visit to CHOC LA & the Ronald MCDonald House

But before I try to tackle that-I need to address an issue with y’all…


I have been TERRIBLE at answering them and I’m sorry.

A lot of the problem is over the last few months, I’ve been doing everything on my phone because our computer is upstairs and the stairs and I aren’t really on speaking terms…

My phone is great, but for some reason, blogger is often very uncooperative in the i-format.

Complicating matters is Intense Debate. I installed it in the effort to connect more thoroughly with commenters, but mostly?

It’s been a pain in the ass, because I never know when it’s gonna work.

On top of that, ID and Blogger comments sections aren’t compatible, so they’re constantly canceling each other out.


I tried to fix everything via my phone, but no dice.

I need to hobble my ass upstairs and spend some time on our actual computer and clean things up/out.

Being FULLY aware that all of my problems could just be user-error.

I no haz teh tekh-savveez.

I’m also back to considering a move to WordPress, but I don’t know if that would be better or worse.

All that to say:

I’m not ignoring you guys, and I love every comment and appreciate it!
Thank you!

I’ll figure it out eventually….

Do any of you blog via your iPhone?
Do you use Blogger or WordPress?
Any tips?