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Resolute. (ish)

1 Jan

I love blogging.
I love reading other’s blogs.

I love it if for no other reason than the fact that it’s allowed me to connect and grow.

2012 was a fairly stunted year in that respect, despite the fact that I think of things I want to write/comment on almost every damn day…

So now that 2013 is here, I’m gonna try to get my bloggingshit together and post/comment every day.

Every one.

Even if it’s just a sentence.
A teeny word….

My blog isn’t widely circulated or famous, but it IS a part of me.

And your blogs are a part of you.

I’ve been neglecting myself and my blogships*-which has sucked so:

Here goes…


I’m so terribly lackluster at this kinda shit, so let’s hope?

*Love to you all. I hope that 2013 is kind.

I didn’t catch the worm necessarily, but…

20 Apr

I caught something.

My stomach has been killing me since Saturday.

This has made for a less-than-productive week so far….

Last week, though?

Was pretty great.

The self-imposed schedule worked out in all its type-A splendor.

I got up early, I showered, I. got. shit. DONE.

Getting up that early kicked my ass, but it was kinda worth it just to feel so accomplished at the end of the day ANNNNND be dressed!

I felt like a whole new world was being opened up to me!

Then Saturday’s gut-rot hit, and I started to fall sorely behind.

Crap! Can’t lose this momentum already….

Today, I was determined to get back on schedule!! If I publish this post, I will be. Squee! (it’s the little things)

However, My husband is determined to thwart my new early-rising lifestyle change….

He doesn’t want me to get up at the Dawn of Man.
He wants me to sleep as much as possible.
My health, my CFS, blah, blah, blah….

He’s loving, and sweet, and concerned, but he is also annoying.
He turns my alarm off!

I have tried to explain the method to my madness, but he says that I am just being stubborn.
I say that I’m just trying to stay SANE.

He may not care about squalor and mountain ranges of laundry, but I do!

And while he is an amazing husband in many respects, his organizational/housekeeping skills are not among the top ten….or twenty, really….


We need to find a compromise, or our son needs to take daily  4 hour naps.

Not sure either will happen.

I need to go to bed.

That Dawn of Man approaches far more quickly than one might think.
If my alarm stays on, that is.

Penciling it in….Where’s my Eraser?

12 Apr


Love ’em.

Order and cleanliness made me happy.
Ticking things off the list made me smile.
I was all content (in an organized fashion, of course) in my Type A sensibilities.
I was a multitasking GODDESS.

Then I had a child.

As long as the boy is fed, clothed, and no one can rightfully call the Environmental Protection Agency on us in regards to our squalor,  I consider the day a success.

I often go with out showers, makeup, or proper clothing.
Piles of laundry have become part of my decor….
Chaos abounds!

What the HELL?

I am a SAHM with just ONE CHILD.

How is it that at 2pm in the afternoon, I’m still in my pajamas?

I am BEYOND tired of all the things I keep “meaning to get to”  never getting done.
(ya know, like hygiene…)

I’m starting to feel bad about my  life-efficacy, guys.

I need to pull it together!

I’m trying to make a schedule….
With a schedule, I will stay more on track.  Be more focused.

I Hope.

Obviously, caring for my son is a daily, ongoing thing, and his schedule comes first, but I needed a general overview…

So I decided to go old-school and break things up in to “Days”to see what that would look like:

Monday is Internet Catch-up Day:
Read/Answer emails
Read/Answer blog comments
Catch up on Twitter/Facebook
Maintain pages
Clean out inboxes

Tuesday is Blogging Day:
Read all my subscriptions
Write a post of my own

{I feel kinda silly devoting 2  days to just blogging/Interwebs, but my blog has been a great outlet for me, twitter has allowed me to connect with some great people/writers, and facebook/emailing keeps me sane on the days I don’t talk to anyone but my son all day. I want to start writing more, and getting more involved with groups, etc…to make that possible, I’ve gotta carve out the time…}

Wednesday is Cleaning Day:

Thursday is Laundry Day:
Also, DUH.

Friday is Bills/Paperwork Day
Pay bills
Plan weekly budget
Check all accounts
Check credit monitoring
Sort through and file all mail

Saturday is Family Day:
No chores, just fun…or laziness. Ahem.

Sunday is Errands Day: Aka: There Goes Our $$
Babies R Us
Grocery Store
and anywhere else that didn’t get-gotten-to during the week.

So far, the schedule has been been *slightly* successful….

And after a very looooong absence, I’m also trying to work out at least 3 times a week.
The last couple weeks have been good, so perhaps it will become a trend….

I also need to start going to bed earlier and getting UP earlier.
I just can’t seem to do it….

EVERY NIGHT, I swear that I will be in bed asleep by 10pm…and EVERY NIGHT I’m crawling into bed at 12-1am….

In the morning?
I find myself sleeping until the last possible second before I drag myself outta bed to start the day and make Huz’s lunch…..

If I could just get into the habit of getting up at like 5:00-5:30am?
I could shower, get dressed, eat breakfast, make lunch, and get a jump-start on my day before O was even awake.

But if you know me?

You know that it had to be an EMERGENCY for me to be out of bed that early.

Someday, like if we have another baby or when O starts school, I will probably be required to get up in the middle of the night, but for now, that’s just SO FRIKKEN EARLY.

Too early. 
I used to do it when I had to take the bus to work….I swore never.again.ever.
Then, O was born and I was up every two hours for a brief time…
but he settled into such a nice sleeping pattern.
Now, I don’t really get up before 7 most days….


But I probably should.

Can a 30-year-old night owl become a morning person?
Can I catch that damn worm?

Obviously, I need your help!

Any tips on starting your day before the Dawn of Man?